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Reminder – Anarchist Bookfair Prague this weekend

Prague anarchist bookfair is taking place this weekend. Two days full of books and special guests – among those speaking are anarchist from places where revolts and uprisings took palce recently, like Bosnia, Spain, Brazil and Ukraine, as well as people from CrimethInc etc.. Complete set of lectures follows, all info you can find here:





Lecture program


Support-group Solidarity Against Repression Vienna – Criminalization of refugee protests in the broader context
In Austria there is a trial going on against eight people accused of being part of a criminal organization of „human smuggling.“ Some of the accused were involved in the refugee-movement Vienna, they were arrested end of July 2013, after big protests against the deportation of several activists of the refugee-movement. Since then they have been imprisoned, in March 2014 the trial has started.
This trial is a criminalization, not only of a strong anti-racist movement, but of all undocumented border-crossings. The lecture will inform about this ongoing trial in Vienna and bring it to a broader context of repression against social movements, racism, criminalization of migration and the fight for freedom of movement.

International ABC collective – Global week of sildarity with political prisoners
Opening speech „Why to start and what to do?“ and discussion about a global week of solidarity with anarchist political prisoners, which is taking place on 23-30 August 2014

Amila (Bosnia) – Role of anarchism in Bosnian uprising
For the past 20 years in Bosnia and Herzegovina the media mainly covered news about workers‘ hunger strikes, corruption scandals,looting and crime. Although the political establishment in conjunction with religious leaders worked successfully on the national division of the community, all the while becoming enormously richer, on the 7th of February the citizens of BH proved them wrong.
Together, undivided, they insist on social changes and class equality without allowing politicization. As a result, the tactics have changed.Through the regime’s media, political mafia has launched an attack of intimidation, infiltration, threats, insinuations and spins. These are just some of the things that citizens of BH have to deal with on a daily basis since the beginning of the protests.
Self-organization and more concrete measures were the next steps in the battle against the political mafia. It is a process from which we learn something new every day….

Anarchist from Ukraine – Ukraine uprising in the eyes of anarchists
Group of anarchists from Kyiev would talk and discuss on the recent events at Ukraine, analyse pros and cons, discuss the role or Pravij Sector, Putin and Russia etc.


CrimethInc (USA) – Anarchism and the New Global Revolts
From Brazil to Ukraine and Bosnia, rebellion is expanding in both exciting and frightening directions. What common threads connect the occupied squares and torched police cars? A rogue operative from the CrimethInc. Ex-Workers‘ Collective returns to Europe to offer reflections on anarchy in the new era of global revolt! This dynamic presentation will explore today’s global uprisings in relation to policing, citizenship, and democracy. As economic crises necessitate ever wider policing, what new opportunities for revolt will arise? As conflicts over nationality and migration intensify, what alternatives can we present to liberal notions of citizenship? As trust in government erodes, what visions can anarchists offer beyond representative democracy? Our struggles must spread narratives and tactics that contest the legitimacy of these forces – and the future of freedom hangs in the balance.


João Gabriel (Brasil) – Recent struggles and anarchist organisation in Brasil
Brazil has gone through a huge uprising in 2013, with hundreds of thousands on the streets in many cities. Bus fare rises and police brutality were the factors that sparkled the movement, which now developed into new struggles in the context of the opposition to the World Cup of
2014. Anarchism has played an important role in the struggles and it’s now regaining strength in Brazilian mass movements, along with the increasing number and influence of anarchist organizations.
João Gabriel is a militant from the Coletivo Anarquista Bandeira Negra [Black Flag Anarchist Collective], an anarchist group from the south of Brazil which is part of the Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira [Brazilian Anarchist Coordination], which develops the current of especifismo, a latin-american approach to organized anarchism.

Anarchist Black Cross Belaruss – Presentation on the book „Going to Magadan“
Anarchist prisoner Ihar Alinevich was kidnapped by plaincloth cops in Moscow and illegally extradited to Belarus, where he was imprisoned for 8 years with incrimination in group hooliganism and intentional destruction of property. In 2013 the book “On the Way to Magadan” compiled of essays from his prison letters was released. Magadan is the city on the far East of Russia which during Stalin times was a major transit point for political prisoners sent to labor camps. Uhar Alinevich is making some comparisons of the prison conditions and his own state between Belarus and Magadan.

Peter Gelderloos (USA/Spain) – The struggle for the streets of Barcelona
In the last few years, Barcelona has experienced an explosion of self-organized activity in the streets, with general strikes, plaza occupations, assemblies, hospital occupations, transport and student strikes, eviction resistance, and riots. Anarchists have debated about the role they should play within these struggles, and employed different practices to encourage practices of self-organization and prevent the recuperation of these movements by political parties. A comrade from Barcelona will speak about some of the successes and failures in this process.

Panel discussion on the main topic of the bookfair („how could anarchists contribute to current massive social revolts?“) with Peter Gelderloos, CrimethInc, Amila from Bosnia and anarchist from Ukraine

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Infomobile Serbia – freedom of movement!

Infomobile Serbia

(freshly started form March 2014)

aaaThe idea of the infomobile simply results from the fact of migration being phenomena in great motion. It leans on the already existing sister project infomobile in Greece ( to be able to meet migrants on their difficult journey at all these varying places across Serbia and other Balkans countries mobility is a necessity.

Behind this grassroots’ initiative, there is a non-hierarchical, self-organized, network of no-border activists with a small number of them working on it constantly on the spot. Continued…

Posted in balkan region, english language.

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Pressrelease: 6th day of the refugee hungerstrike at Oranienplatz (14th April 2014)


Today is the 6th day, that we, four refugee activists from Oranienplatz, are on hungerstrike.

We started this hungerstrike to show our solidarity with our comrades who were resisting against the eviction of our protest camp at Oranienplatz on a tree and were denied food by the authorities. Oranienplatz is well known to be a major symbol and center for the political fight against the racist and colonialist asylum policy in Germany and Europe. We started our hungerstrike with three demands:

1) the re-establishment of the info-point and a big tent for our assemblies at Oranienplatz.

2) the acknowledgement of the school in Ohlauerstr. as a self-organized political center of refugees

3) residency permission for all refugee activists who have participated in our protest at Oranienplatz

header_02 Continued…

Posted in english language.

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Radio-Interview mit Anarchist Black Cross Belarus

ab sofort findet ihr eine deutschsprachige Version eines aktuellen
Interviews des anarchistischen Radios Berlin mit Anarchist Black Cross Belarus online: Continued…

Posted in deutschsprachig, ex-soviet region.

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15.Jahrestag der Bombardierung Jugoslawiens

Quellen: und

weitere Hintergrundinformationen: und

Anmerkung: Durch die Benennung der Rolle der NATO und der deutschen Kriegspolitik im Speziellen soll in keiner Weise die Position vermittelt werden, die Regierung Jugoslawiens zu diesem Zeitpunkt sei unschuldig an der Eskalation. Im Gegenteil laesst sich der historische Kontext nur verstehen, indem Milosevic und seine nationalistisch-agressive Politik gegenueber den nicht-serbischen Menschen im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ebenso benannt und verurteilt wird. Sowohl die militaerischen Einsaetze der jugoslawischen Armee, als auch der UCK als auch der NATO fuehrten vor allem dazu, dass die Bevoelkerung jeder Gruppierung intensiver litt und sich die skrupelloseren, nationalistischeren Machteliten durchsetzen konnten.
In diesem Sinne: Nie wieder Krieg!


Am 24. März 1999 beginnt die Bombardierung Ex-Jugoslawiens durch die NATO. Mehr als 250.000 Menschen müssen fliehen – davon geschätzt 120.000 Roma, wobei tatsächlich von einer noch größeren Zahl auszugehen ist. Ihre Häuser werden zerstört und ganze Stadtteile geplündert. Damit sind 600 Jahre friedliche Roma Kultur unwiederbringlich verloren.


Posted in balkan region, deutschsprachig.

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Brief aus dem russischen Knast


40830_profileDer im nordrussischen Murmansk verhaftete und zu einem Jahr Lagerhaft verurteilte Punk und Anarchist Ras’chod (Alexej Ras’chodtschikow) hat sich mit einem offenen Brief zu Wort gemeldet. Continued…

Posted in deutschsprachig, ex-soviet region.

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Zur Situation in der Ukraine

(Quelle: )

Kommentar zum Artikel: Wir verfolgen Alles gerade aus der Ferne und die Zusammenhaenge sind schwer zu erkennen, aber der Artikel scheint gruendlich und ausgewogen .

Versuch einer Zusammenfassung und Erklärung der Ereignisse in der Ukraine in den letzten drei Wochen, mit einem Blick nach Russland. Continued…

Posted in deutschsprachig, ex-soviet region, General.

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Infotour Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) Belarus



Ab dem 31. März 2014 findet wieder eine Info- und Solitour des Anarchist Black Cross Belarus durch mehrere europäische Länder statt. Continued…

Posted in deutschsprachig, ex-soviet region.

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How did Bosnian uprising failed and what have we learned?

A refreshing text from bosnia-hercegovina about the tactics and conflicts related to the uprisings in februar this year. Many topics remind to similair situations in history … solidarity with the struggling people



Yesterday was opened discussion among protesters “How did Bosnian uprising failed and what have we learned” and this is our small contibution to the forthcoming analyzes and discussions, provided that we analyze only protests in Sarajevo, because we worked here and spend our time with people on streets during, and after, famous 7th February. In order to understand current movements in Sarajevo, it is important to keep in mind all protests [not-so-common] which occured in last few years and movements that have occurred in that time. We don’t want to last it forever, so maybe it will be little problem for those who are not familiar with them. When we say “protests”, we don’t think of protests walks around town organized by non-governmental organizations on the occasions of various dates that have empty meaning, just like their walks. There is too much problems with Sarajevo protests, and it’s important to write it in consecutive and logical way – as with mistakes in steps, also with wrong perception of protests.

We are writing this as attempt to highlight basic missed things, and in hope it would serve as a trigger to correct omissions and spread ideas.

*** Continued…

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Anarchists from Petrozavodsk, Russia were kidnapped and seriously injured by unknown people in masks.

Anarchists, organizers of demonstration “Against the war in Ukraine” in Petrozavodsk, Russia were kidnapped and seriously injured by unknown people in masks.
On 9th of March, along with the traditional Food Not Bombs action, demonstration “Against the war in Ukraine” supposed to happen in Petrozavodsk, for a peaceful solution of tense situation there and prevention of bloodshed continuation.
On 8th of March evening, two organizers of the demo and one of their friend were attacked. Two cars arrived and a dozen strong men in masks immediately went to a fight. They were screaming “You f*cking want to give away our Crimea to Bandera people?”, “You will learn how to demonstrate, ***” and so on. After a quick but technical execution attackers got straight back into cars and drove away.
The next morning, half an our before the demo, while leaving the house after cooking for Food Not Bombs four participants of the action and the demo  were again attacked by unidentified masked men, beaten again and pushed into two cars and driven away. As it became known later they were taken to a forest, 40-45 km from the city. On the way they were told by attackers that they are going to dig their graves, all the way they were being beaten and abused. After arrival victims were taken out from the car one by one in different places(each one was followed by 3-4 masked people and after this car drove some distance), again beaten up and abused. Police batons and wrapped in polyethylene chains were used. Attackers were threatening to cripple or kill.
Meanwhile, some unknown people came to the demo with provocative signs, irrelevant to the demonstration topic, made a photo and fled away, so the breakdown of the demo was clearly planned. Participants of the event, as well as other social activists, have very reason to fear for the safety of themselves and their loved ones.
Please share this information

Posted in english language, ex-soviet region.

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