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(Lviv, Ukraine) 8th of March is a reminder of women’s struggle for their rights


Because of political situation in the country, this year there were no official celebrations of 8th of March in Lviv. However, we celebrate this day each year, because for us 8th of March is a reminder of women’s struggle for their rights. Gifts will not guarantee us equality, we choose paint, posters and night walks in the city instead. :) We have left different marks to greet in our own way citizens of Lviv with this day, to express our solidarity with women who also celebrate it, to fight against stereotypes about feminists and remind everyone about feminist activism. (see original page for pictures)

At the same time, the only non-commercial ‘celebration’ of 8th of March in Lviv covered in local media, was an event organised to send wishes to president of Russia on occasion of ‘Women’s Day’. Organisers of this event – members of Civic Sector of Lviv Euromaidan – put on the central city square the ‘pillar of shame’, to demonstrate their abhorrence with Putin’s politics. At the same time, they reassured women that the event was not disrespectful towards them – “for real men, every day is women’s day”. It’s just that, according to them, Putin is not “man enough”. We are affronted by such comparison of Putin with a woman. How many male dictators went down in world history? And how many female? We find it unacceptable that Putin is compared to Hitler, another man, and at the same time is denigrated to the ‘level of woman’. Are women lower than men?
We didn’t see any criticism of this event. Because of this we produced criticism with our own hands:

Dear readers, please indulge in sex, not sexism!
Remember the history of 8th of March! And respect our struggle!

Posted in english language, ex-soviet region.

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Zum Thema Ukraine: Der Artikel “Aufbruch in den Abgrund”

Der folgende Artikel fiehl uns bei ins Auge. Er beinhaltet einige Einschaetzungen, die wir so nicht nachvollziehen koennen, vor allem der Begriff “Linke” trifft nicht das was wir unter emanzipatorischen Kraeften verstehen, besonders nicht im Kontext der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Aber im deutschen Sprachgebrauch / Kontext ist mit diesem Begriff vielleicht einfacher zu verstehen, worum es geht. Wir jedenfalls trauern nicht um die Irrellevanz der kommunistischen Partei(en) wie die Autor/innen. Wie gerade zu diesen Zeiten deutlich wird, bietet keine der gaunerischen Parteien egal welcher Spielart eine Perspektive fuer die berechtigt revoltierenden Menschen. Und der Titel klingt so, als ob der Abgrund neu waere, ist er ja nicht!
Aber die aktuellen und vielschichtigen Informationen des Artikels und auch der Hinweis auf die fehlende Sichtbarkeit anarchistischer Positionen im Handgemenge um die Perspektive der Region ist wichtig und spannend und vor allem unmittelbarer als die zahlreichen “professionellen” Nachrichten.


(Quelle: Continued…

Posted in deutschsprachig, ex-soviet region, General.

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Kiew: Stellungnahme der AWU (Autonome ArbeiterInnen Union) zur Situation in der Ukraine

Gestern (18.2.2014) begann der Bürgerkrieg in der Ukraine. In der Nähe der Werchowna Rada (Parlament) stieß eine nicht ganz so friedliche Demonstration mit staatlichen Verteidigungskräften und Einheiten zusammen, die sich aus AnhängerInnen der gegenwärtigen Regierung rekrutierten. Am 18. Februar richtete die Polizei, zusammen mit Paramilitärs ein Blutbad an, in dem zahlreiche DemonstrantInnen getötet wurden. Continued…

Posted in deutschsprachig, ex-soviet region.

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Statement about the situation in Ukraine from AWU (Autonomous Workers Union)

maydan19th february 2014: Civil war began in Ukraine yesterday.
A less than peaceful demonstration clashed with state defense forces and divisions formed by the adherents of the current government near the Vekhovna Rada (Parliament). On February 18, police, together with the paramilitaries, arranged a bloodbath in the governmental quarters during which numerous demonstrators were killed. Continued…

Posted in english language, ex-soviet region, General.

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Anarchistický Festival Knihy // Prague Anarchist Bookfair

Prague Anarchist Bookfair

Prague recently joined family of places where anarchist bookfairs take its place. Altough it only started last year the bookfair became central event for local anarchist movement with hundreds of participants travelling from all around the country.

Second Prague Anarchist Bookfair takes place on April, 19th – 20th. This year we would like to move towards more international event and therefore we send this invitation for active participation.

We are inviting broad spectrum of anti-authoritarian publishers, distributors and authors to have their tables at the event. We also welcome offers for lectures, workshops and other forms of presentations – the topic for this year is „active social struggles.“ We are especially – even not only – interested in people having experiences with organising and fighting recent real struggles.

Among confirmed speakers are members from CrimetInc from USA, Anarchist Black Cross Belarus, Ukrain anarchists and others are in the process of confirmation.

All presentations would be in English and Czech.

If you are interested in taking active part in the bookfair, please
contact us back as soon as possible at
anarchistbookfaircz (a)

Posted in english language.

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Tenth Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb

The Tenth Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb will take place on April 4th to April 6th, 2014.

Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb (ASK – Anarhisticki sajam knjiga) is annual anarchist event that aims to become a long-term, developing project. First nine bookfairs went well, and we hope to bring in more and more people every year as participants, publishers, groups, projects – whoever is interested in what the bookfair has to offer. Continued…

Posted in balkan region, english language.

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(russia) Alexandra Dukhanina: “There were only blatant lies and brute force”


Final court statement of anarchist Alexandra Dukhanina (Naumova), charged with violence against police during an opposition rally in Moscow’s Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012, made in a Moscow court on February 5, 2014.

Posted in english language, ex-soviet region.

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Moscow anti-fascists amnestied

On Friday 10th of January Basmanniy district court of Moscow ceased
criminal case against Alexey Olesinov, Alexey Sutuga, Alyon volikov and
Babken Guskasyan. All four were accused of “hooliganism”, a criminal
offense which is included in the amnesty bill, approved as a PR stunt on
initiative of Vladimir Putin himself in advent of the Sochi Winter
Olympics – most known amnestied political prisoners being 30 detainees
of the Arctic Sunrise ship of Greenpeace, and two imprisoned members of
Pussy Riot. Four anti-fascists had also other, less severe charges which
fall under statutes of limitations.


Posted in english language, ex-soviet region.

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good night macho pride 2014 in ukraine


For the 24th to 28th of april 2014 the 3rd “good night macho pride” anarcha-feminist gathering is announced to take place in kiev, ukraine.

gnmp Continued…

Posted in english language, ex-soviet region, General.

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19 de enero en Rusia – memoria antifascista

Ahora pasan cinco años desde que nuestrxs amigxs Stas y Nastja fueron asesinados el 19 de enero de 2009 por fascistas en Moscù. El abogado Stanislav Markelov y la periodista Anastasia Baburova estuvieron activos por muchos años en la lucha contra el fascismo en Rusia.

19janEl Comité 19 de enero llama a todxs lxs interesadxs a difundir la informaciòn y hacer actividades en la memoria!

Màs informacion en español:

Posted in español, ex-soviet region, General.

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