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(Lviv, Ukraine) 8th of March is a reminder of women’s struggle for their rights


Because of political situation in the country, this year there were no official celebrations of 8th of March in Lviv. However, we celebrate this day each year, because for us 8th of March is a reminder of women’s struggle for their rights. Gifts will not guarantee us equality, we choose paint, posters and night walks in the city instead. :) We have left different marks to greet in our own way citizens of Lviv with this day, to express our solidarity with women who also celebrate it, to fight against stereotypes about feminists and remind everyone about feminist activism. (see original page for pictures)

At the same time, the only non-commercial ‘celebration’ of 8th of March in Lviv covered in local media, was an event organised to send wishes to president of Russia on occasion of ‘Women’s Day’. Organisers of this event – members of Civic Sector of Lviv Euromaidan – put on the central city square the ‘pillar of shame’, to demonstrate their abhorrence with Putin’s politics. At the same time, they reassured women that the event was not disrespectful towards them – “for real men, every day is women’s day”. It’s just that, according to them, Putin is not “man enough”. We are affronted by such comparison of Putin with a woman. How many male dictators went down in world history? And how many female? We find it unacceptable that Putin is compared to Hitler, another man, and at the same time is denigrated to the ‘level of woman’. Are women lower than men?
We didn’t see any criticism of this event. Because of this we produced criticism with our own hands:

Dear readers, please indulge in sex, not sexism!
Remember the history of 8th of March! And respect our struggle!

Posted in english language, ex-soviet region.

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