Yesterday evening, at the 24th of september 2010 at 6 pm, around 80 activists gathered at the boxenhagener platz in berlin to show solidarity with the activists and prisoners in belarus.
Since the 3rd of september 2010 there is a wave of repression against anarchists in belarus. Meanwhile 10 people had been arrested, daily house searches and interrogations take place. The prisoners are pushed with torture to give evidences. One activist was even interrogated after she cutted her own arms and the artery with a knife that she found laying around at the interrogation. Otheres had been beaten so that they were in need of medical help of doctor after it. More information about the ongoing situation in belarus you can find on the below mentioned pages.
The belarussian embassy seemed to have sent a filming-team to get information about activists in berlin. They tried to question things from the activists which are completely without sense for media but probably not for the embassy and the KGB (the belarussian intelligence service). Additionally they were filming the demonstration until the end which was unfortunately not stopped by anyone.
Befor the demonstration started there had been extensive police controls at the boxenhagener platz. Till the whole time of the demonstration there had been demonstrators and police of the same number.
Freedom for the involved activists! Свобода!
Update: In Grodno there had been more interrogations, at the 23rd of September, 3 more activists were arrested. They had been released allready again but on the same day another person had been at a 10 hours interrogation. At the 24th of september another activist had been arrested, probably he is going to stay in prison for 3 days.
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