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Greece: Hands off Espiv server

[Espiv] Cybrigade announcement, July 7th, 2014 roughly translated by
Contra Info (currently down as well); we can be contacted at _ [GREECE] HANDS OFF ESPIV SERVER
There is an urgent situation regarding espiv’s infrastructure inside the
Panteion University (in Athens, where espiv server is located). Below is
a first announcement by Cybrigade, espiv’s administrative collective,
about the current shutdown of the server

Posted in balkan region, english language.

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Griechenland: Hände weg vom espiv-Server

Die Situation bzgl. der Infrastruktur von espiv innerhalb der Panteion 
Universität (in Athen, wo der Server liegt) ist dringend. Es folgt eine 
erste Bekanntmachung von Cybrigade, dem Administrationskollektiv von 
espiv, über das jüngste Abschalten des Servers


Posted in balkan region, deutschsprachig.

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War against war! Statement of leftists and anarchists on the confrontation in Ukraine


In the ongoing conflict, we support neither Ukrainian government nor pro-Russian factions that established their authority on the portion of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts. The working class (i.e. everyone who has neither power nor capital) is equally alien both to the concept of ​​unitary Ukraine and to the ideas of ​​”federalization” or creation of new states — these are merely the games of politicians, drawing blood from ordinary people. We, the left and the anarchists, should primarily adhere to the needs of the working class in the war-torn regions of Ukraine, protect their rights and freedoms. Continued…

Posted in english language, ex-soviet region.

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En el conflicto que se desarrolla ahora mismo no apoyamos ni al gobierno de Kiev ni a las facciones prorusas que han establecido su poder en las regiones de Donetsk y Lugansk. Para el trabajador es igual de inútil de idea de una Ucrania unida, la federalización o creación de nuevos países o repúblicas, son juegos de los políticos por los cuales se derrama sangre de gente inocente. Nosotros, la izquierda y los anarquistas, en primer lugar hemos de preocuparnos por las necesidades de las clases trabajadores en las zonas más afectadas por la guerra. Continued…

Posted in español, ex-soviet region.

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Krieg dem Krieg! Erklärung der Linken und Anarchist*innen betreffend die Konfrontation in der Ukraine


In dem sich entfaltenden Konflikt unterstützen wir weder die ukrainische Regierung noch prorussische Gruppierungen, die ihre Macht in Teilen der Territorien Lugansk und Donezk sicherstellen. Den Interessen der Arbeitenden (d.h. denen, die keine Macht und kein Kapital haben) ist die Idee einer geeinten Ukraine genauso fremd wie die Idee einer „Föderalisierung“ oder die Errichtung neuer staatlicher Gebilde – das sind Spiele von Politiker*innen, für die das Blut gewöhnlicher Menschen vergossen wird. Wir, Linke und Anarchist*innen, müssen in erster Linie von den Bedürfnissen der Arbeiter*innenklasse in den von Krieg besetzten Gebieten der Ukraine ausgehen, von ihren Rechten und Freiheiten. Continued…

Posted in deutschsprachig, ex-soviet region.

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BPRA Here To Stay!


Imprisonment over the conviction time

There have been numerous calls for some information to escape the prison walls of Sofia Central and I hope I can appease these requests for information although I am not sure what people will find interesting.

Daily I am continuing my university degree via correspondence that was guaranteed after a 30 day hunger strike by the Ministry of Justice in May 2013. My marks are good and steady despite the lack of internet and source material.

When I am not working on my university degree I am usually helping other prisoners with one problem or another. Recently a young Iranian convicted to 1.5 years prison for illegal immigration has had 3 months of his served time lost by the court authorities. The process to find these missing days held in remand and have them calculated as time served is long and arduous simply due to the sluggish nature of the Bulgarian courts and the inexperience of the state bureaucracy. I was told by the prison authorities (who of course refused to help the Iranian themselves) that I should write to the remand prison to have an account of his time served pre trial written up. I argued that it was not the responsibility of the remand prison to calculate time served and I argued that only a court could calculate time served. In the end to kill 2 birds I wrote to both the remand prison and the court asking them to calculate the time served for the young Iranian. 2 months later the remand prison replied that they would not even tell us how many days the Iranian had been held in their prison let alone help with calculating time served. So I was right and the prison authorities were wrong, however the situation is still not resolved as it’s almost 3 months and despite the 2 month reply limit for all requests in Bulgaria the court has still not replied in regards to the matter of the missing 3 months of served time.

I said to the Iranian, “you’re lucky you have 1.5 years and you’re at the beginning of your sentence because you see it took 2 months just to have a rejection letter sent by the remand prison and 3 months and still no reply from the court”. 4 months served in the prison prior to me being aware of the situation, plus the 3 months waiting for the court to not reply and the 3 months in question served in pre trial remand, he now has 10 months served of his 18 month sentence.

What’s my point? My point is that by the time the Bulgarian court gets into gear he could have finished his entire sentence and then some. This is a common enough occurrence in Bulgarian prisons, especially those sentenced under 5 years imprisonment. Over 6 years and the courts seem capable to handle the processing of convicts and their release dates, but under 5 years, especially those with 1-3 year sentences and possible there isn’t a single prisoner who is released when they should be.

Of course as is the bureaucratic way in Bulgaria, ‘when in doubt the prisoner can do without’ meaning that if there is any doubt about anything it is better to violate the rights of the prisoner and have the problem sorted out later rather then guarantee the rights of the prisoner and possible make a bureaucratic error. This means the prison is more then happy to hold prisoners months over their release date as that is preferable to the possibility that a prisoner could be released early.

My days are concerned with such matters; there are just too many prisoners to help. As this is the case I wanted to start with the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association a legal aid umbrella, where the Association would pay lawyers to defend prisoners post conviction. In Bulgaria once you’re convicted there is little to no free legal help or defence. This means that prisoners are at the mercy of the prison administration that more often then not orders punishments to prisoners arbitrarily according to the whims of the psychologically unstable prison administration. Although many of these orders decreed by the prison administration can be overturned in court, the vast percentage of prisoners are illiterate and even more don’t understand the laws at all.

Legal aid and bank account

Without a legal aid program prisoners are left defenceless against illegal orders given by the prison administration. The idea is to establish good relationships between the Association and some sympathetic lawyers who would represent prisoners for reasonable rates on the understanding that clients would be constant and also with experienced prisoners in the Association sorting through the simple cases most of the riff raff will have already been sorted before the lawyer is even involved so as to minimize the work load.

My grandeur plan, which was to start with a small budget of 3600€ a year (estimated between 144 and 72 prisoners represented a year) which we have been working on for I think about 2 years now has finally overcome the hurdle of opening a bank account. It was EXTREMLY difficult to open a bank account but as of June 2014 a lawyer for the Association was able to open an account after going to over 7 banks! All of which flat out rejected to even consider opening a bank account for the Association.

Our account information is:

Bulgarian Prisoners’ Rehabilitation Association (in notes)

Texim Bank

IBAN: BG29TEXI95451003928100


All donations will be ecstatically received!!! No amount too small!! It will all add up and be put to good use, at the moment the money will be used to defend prisoners’ rights especially in regards to appealing illegal orders given by the prison administrations.


October 17th 2013

The “check” into the guards collective punishment of mass assault on the 17th October 2013 was concluded by the Regional Prosecutor as not having enough evidence with which to start an investigation.. The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee helped to appeal the decision of the prosecutor, which by order of the Sofia City Prosecutors’ office was granted and the “check” was returned back to the beginning. Now I say “check” as it’s not an investigation, the legal process of “checking” carries with it very few if any rights for the victim or guidelines established by law as to what an investigator can and can’t do. In typical form the second “check” is being carried out by the same investigator who conducted the first “check” whose conclusion was overturned. If it was an investigation, the process would have to be undertaken a second time by a new investigator, but as it is only the repeat of a “check” there is no such stipulation that the new “check” be carried out by a new investigator.


There is no news on the transfer front although the social workers of the prison recommend me for good behaviour citations the Director of the prison Peter Krestev refuses to signoff on the recommendations of his social workers. So as the Director of Sofia Central Prison is constantly passing on false information to the Head Prosecutors office it is hard to differentiate between the political pressures asserted by the government over the Head Prosecutor Tsatsarov and the false information he officially basing his decisions on supplied by the Director of Sofia Central Prison.

Please write letters to the Head Prosecutor requesting that he allow a transfer to happen, as serving my prison time in an Australian prison does not inhibit the goals of the conviction, but on the contrary it is a proven fact that goals of convictions are unlikely to be met by foreigners serving their convictions in foreign prisons and societies.

The address:

Head Prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov

Number 2

Vitosha Boulevard

Sofia 1061



Many thanks to those who have organised or helped to organise solidarity actions and fund raising activities for both myself and the Association. As usual I would like to thank my father and step mother for their constant support over the rough ocean waves of ups and downs. I don’t say it enough (or at all) but I love you very much and I am grateful for your constant support. A special thankyou to Brighton ABC who has supported me for well over 6 years now, they have been busy with their own problems but have always made time to help me.


  • To Panagiotis Argyros, DamianoBolano and Gerasimos Tsakalos in Greek prison, may their sacrifices never be forgotten and their resistance echo through time and may the Greek capitalists always look over their shoulders.
  • To Thomas Mayer-Falk who has finished his conviction in Germany and is now being held post sentence under the monstrous “preventive detention” order, where he is essentially imprisoned for his anti capitalist beliefs not due to any actual crime that he has committed
  • To Joel and Dennis Thelning who were convicted for defending an anti-fascist demonstration in Sweden and received outrageously high prison sentence

Jock Palfreeman

Chairman, Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association

Posted in balkan region, english language.

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Veranstaltung: Russland in Bewegung Zur Situation der Linksradikalen in Russland

Am Donnerstag, 3. Juli um 19 Uhr im Infoladen Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg

Nach einem kurzen Input zu den geo-politischen und sozio-historischen Gegebenheiten in Russland wendet sich die Veranstaltung den Schwerpunkten LGBT (lesbian/ gay/ bisexual/ transgender) und antirassistischer Aktivismus zu. Hier werden Einblicke in die aktuelle Situation verschiedener unabhängiger emanzipatorischer Bewegungen in Russland gegeben und deren Akteur_innen, Projekte und Kämpfe vorgestellt. Auch staatliche Repression und deren Konsequenzen werden an dieser Stelle thematisiert. Im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung wird es ausreichend Raum geben, um das Referierte als auch Möglichkeiten der Solidarisierung mit den Bewegungen in Russland zu diskutieren.

Posted in deutschsprachig, ex-soviet region.

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summer camp of ukrainian autonomous workers union


ukr-campWe, the anarchists of the Autonomous Workers Union, invite our comrades to the international libertarian summer camp, which will take place from 22nd to 26th of August. There will be lectures and workshops on the theory and practice of anarchism, engagement in sports and exercises, acquaintances and communication between the activists from different countries and, of course, the invaluable experience of self-organization. Every participant will have the opportunity to partake in the camp’s cultural, educational, and sports agenda — one only needs to get in touch with us and voice their ideas and wishes.

A kitchen will be set up at the camp. A participant will be expected to make a contribution, which will be spent on food, fresh water and camping fees. The exact amount of the contribution is still unknown (it depends on the food price fluctuation at the end of summer), but is assumed to be about 300 hryvnias — 18.5 Euro at the current exchange rate.

We will organize a vegetarian diet only. A participant who’d like to have some non-vegetarian meal at the camp is expected to provide it for themself.
A camp entrant should have:
1) A sleeping mat and a sleeping bag.
2) A separate set of tableware (a bowl, a cup, a spoon and a fork)
3) Personal hygiene items
4) Mosquito repellant.

We would also ask everyone to bring tents if possiple, in order to reduce the overall cost of accommodation.

The exact camp location and the directions will be sent personally to those who submitted the application form. You can find the form at the following link:

Fascists, Stalinists, sexists, homophobes, authoritarians and other discrimination advocates are not welcome.

Posted in english language, ex-soviet region.

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Veranstaltung in Hamburg zu Knast-Widerstand Griechenland


siehe auch:



Posted in balkan region, deutschsprachig.

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callout “Reclaim the fields” gathering 2014


9th. – 13th. of July 2014 in Sehlis/ Taucha near Leipzig/ Germany


Together with you we want to organize a diverse and resistant Camp against the B87n, a new highway, that is supposed to be built through one of the last remaining pieces of intact landscape in the north of Saxony. On top, the highway is supposed to cut through the fields of the cooperative “Rote Beete”, one of the three projects of community-supported-agriculture in Saxony. The Camp means to underline the longlasting local resistance against the B87n. Continued…

Posted in english language, General.

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