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solidarity with rozbrat squat -in poland- from athens

text by L. Karagianni 37 squat in Athens in solidarity with Rozbrat:



Rozbrat squat, active for 16 years now in the city of Poznan, the longest  occupied
space in Poland, houses social, political and cultural activities that
oppose the world of Authority and profit, of social and class
Today it is one more of the self-organized spaces of resistance which are facing repressive plans. […]

Some of the projects being housed in the squat connecting
it with struggles against globalization, class exploitation, state
repression, persecution and imprisonment of strugglers, pillage of
nature, racism, war etc- are the Anarchist Federation and the Anarchist
Black Cross of Poznan, the Workersʼ Initiative, the Anarchist Library
and Trojka publishing house.

On March 26, 2010 an auction has been
scheduled for the purchase of the premises where the largest part of
the squat is situated so that the debts of the previous owning company
can be paid out. It is a process which started in January 2008, when
the squat was “visited” by a bailiff with the assistance of the police
in order to estimate the value of the ground.

The solidarity compaign for the defense of
Rozbrat which the squatters began from the first moment, has been
echoed throughout Poland as well as internationally. In March 2009, a
big solidarity demonstration took place in Poznan in view of the
auction held at that time and during which no buyer was found, whereas
a recent dynamic demonstration was held on 20 March.  

Over the last year the squatters have had to
face a new threat. It is a plan processed by the city council of Poznan
for the “development” of the region where the squat is located.
According to this plan, which is strongly opposed not only by the
squatters but also by other residents of the area, a villa neighborhood
is to be built on the location of Rozbrat that has been identified as
“wastelands”. Several mobilizations have taken place aiming at the
blockage of this plan. Recently, on 8th March 2010, fifty people from
Rozbrat squat collective gathered outside the venue of the congress of
local councils from all over Poland, blocking the access of
participants. When the gathered people attempted to enter the venue of
the congress the police attacked and arrested 37 people.

From Lelas Karagianni squat, a space
directly connected to the social and class struggle for social
liberation which has repelled repressive plans and fascist attacks
against it thanks to the solidarity of comrades and society for 22
years, we express our solidarity to Rozbrat squat which is threatened
by repression.

Against the attempts to destroy the squatted
social-political spaces in Europe, placing them under the siege of
repression and speculation, our answer is that “every strike against
one of us is a strike against all of us”. Letʼs remember Ungdomshuset
in Copenhagen, where the decisive struggle of squatters and the people
in solidarity finally forced the local authorities to retreat.


The self-organized collective spaces of
social resistance are part of the struggle for a world of freedom
without states and bosses, without oppression and exploitation. In
Athens, in Poznan and everywhere they are going to win and they are
going to spread!   

We remember Copenhagen! Rozbrat stays!


March 22, 2010

Lelas Karagianni 37 squat

Posted in balkan region, english language, General.