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The Assassination of Florian


On the 5th of August 2009 14-year old Florian was shot dead during a
police operation in a supermarket in Krems (Lower Austria). His 17-year
old „accomplice“ Roland survived two bullet wounds and was sentenced to
18 months in jail.

The lies and defamations by the police couldn’t hide the fact that
Florian was cowardly shot in the back. On the other hand the
policeman’s claim Florian was shot in the back from approximately 1,8 –
2 m , which was prooved by judicial enquiry.

He was „armed“ with a gardening tool, hidden in his Jacket. There is
no evidence of any attack against the cops. Roland, „the accomplice“
who survived his severe injuries, caried a screwdriver. The same night
he had to undergo a emergency operation still in the hospital and under
heavy medication, the same night he had to watch his friend bleed to to
death he was interviewed by the police. The two involved cops on the
other hand didn’t have to testify for three days, due they suffered
from the „traumatic“ events, just to give a false statement when they
finally had to.  Whereas the police already started to spread lies
about the background of Florian’s death, (the first communication spoke
of attackers armed with guns, who jumped at the police in the dark) not
even the Florian’s parents where informed that their son was shot. The
had to get this information from the media, eventhough cops where at
the hospital, who preferred to leave when the parnets arrived.

This is not the first time, austrian police showed extreme and
arbitrary violence. A short list of confirmed cases of extreme police
brutality in the last few years:

The homicide of Marcus Omufuma during his deoportation 1999,
Cheibani Wague was tortured killed by police and paramedic forces.
Bakary J. was tortured by austrian special police forces, because he
resisted to his deportation, in an abandoned depot. Also shot by a cop
was a burglar in lower austria, the cops even got applaued from their
state’s governor for this crime, quote: „Who breaks into a house in
lower austria, has to expect the worst.“ A black teacher was beaten up
and inured heavily by the police in a metro station, because the
policemen „took him for someone else“, the extreme brutality during a
small demonstration in Linz (upper austria) on may the 1st 2009,  the
cover op of an arson attac on a refugee camp in Klagenfurt during the
European Soccer Championship….

Most of the time – even by a critical multitude – a small to no scentencs is expatable.

For example: seven persons an emergency doctor, paramedics and cops
activly supporting the death of the asylum seeker Wague were sentenced
to 6 moth without spending any jail time.

Therefor we know that austrian police can act outside the law.

We are all potential victims. Lets organise. COPS = MURDERS!

SMASH §278ff !!!

Posted in balkan region, english language, General.