There will be an antifa demo against the Day of Honor
in Budapest on 13 February. We start at 4p.m. The demo will be held in
a form of a march, a sort of a river that will end up in the sea of a bigger static demonstration.
Bonus: Opera Bal demo in the evening.

Everywhere we are faced with resurgence of the fascism, sometimes it
comes without disguise, while in other cases it is incorporated in the
agenda of mainstream politics. As anarchists we understand that fascism
is a defense mechanism of the state and capital to secure their
survival. In the time of one of the capitalism’s inherent crisis, we
already see this happening. We feel obliged to take part in the
antifascist struggle, yet we also understand it as a necessary part of
the struggle against the capitalism. We have no sympathies for the
liberal lamentations on racism and exclusion, whose only political
mission is the reaffirmation of foundations of the future exploitation
and discrimination.
We are participating in a broad antifascist fronts, yet we fully
understand the danger of recuperation of antifascism by the political
parties and NGOs, known enemies of the oppressed. We are the part of
antifascist struggle pushing for the adoption and implementation of
direct democratic methods of decision making, as well as direct action
as a method of struggle, within the broader antifascist movement.
Antifascist struggle, inherently tied with struggle against all the
other sorts of social oppression and exploitation, is of outmost
importance. The fight against fascism will have no future if it is not
closely tied to the struggles of workers, migrants, students for
dignity and liberation. To change something we need to change