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demonstration against racism and hate crimes in finnland

A demonstration against racism and hate crimes
Meeting at Kiasma at 5pm.
on Tuesday 19th january of 2010.

A red card to racism and hate crimes.
On the 19th of January it will be one year from the killing of lawyer
Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova. They were killed in
Moscow – Markelov after a press conference held by him and Baburova was shot
immediately after she tried to catch Markelov´s assassin. These cases are
not the only ones in Russia, nor the latest ones. Yearly tens of immigrants,
journalists and human right defenders are killed in Russia. Anti-fascist and
critical actions towards the Russian government and the war in Chechnya are
not only difficult, but can also be deadly.
Finnish hate crime statistics are nothing to be proud of. Anti-immigrant
bluster and frenzying over looks, culture and language different from
”traditional” Finnish ways is present more often. Even though some try to
create an atmosphere of fear and with their repulsive rethorics attempt to
tell who can live and be in Finland, it is obvious that these attempts of
this marginal group will not be accepted.
We will not accept a situation where those in a low position persecute the
ones in even a weaker position while the ones with power profit from our
mutual rustles. It is understandable that in the middle of the financial
crisis general dissatisfaction grows. Insecurity and social disposition is
anyhow a result of politics where well-being and security has been made into
privilege of a small minority.
We will not accept Finland turning into a platform for racist thinking and
violence where prejudism and hostility towards immigrants can have any more
space. Fortunately us who are willing to think and act against prejudism and
racism outnumber those who with words and actions are spreading hatred
towards foreigners.
End to racism, fascism and hate crimes!
Demonstration in Helsinki on Tuesday 19th from 5pm. Meeting at Kiasma. Bring
a suitable banderol or sign.
More information:

Posted in english language, General.