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The Belgrade 6 charged with “international terrorism”

The IWA/AIT Secretariat and Serbian comrades have just informed us
of some terrible news – the 6 anarcho-syndicalists from Belgrade,
arrested and held in confinement since 5th September last, are to be
tried for international terrorism. They face 15 years in prison. They
are accused of being the authors of graffiti painted on the Greek
embassy last 25th August, and of having thrown a petrol bomb which only
damaged a window. The fact that the comrades deny that they had
anything to do with these events clearly does not worry the Serbian
State in its obsession to find someone guilty. Indeed, from Paris to
Belgrade, the international police are all very much alike… They must
have had the same instructors…


So, the comrades are being charged with international terrorism. In
the near future, this means they will remain incommunicado in jail for
at leastseveral months.

Those comrades who are still free are trying to see if there is any way to appeal the decision. Further information will follow.

Meanwhile, the worst case scenario has now happened. The battle will
be long and difficult and these comrades will need all our support.

Lawyers’ fees will obviously be extremely high, so anyone who wishes
to contribute financially to solidarity efforts can send a cheque made
out to the CNT AIT, with the words “Solidarité Belgrade” on the back,
to the following address:

108 rue Damrémont
75018 PARIS

Posted in balkan region, english language, General.