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Support Hungarian Antifa-Actions: Against the Rudolf Hess – march in Budapest

Support Hungarian Antifa-Actions:
Against the Rudolf Hess – march in Budapest

At the 15th of august 2009, thousands of old and young nazis want to march in budapest in remembering the hitler-assistant Rudolf Hess. Embedded in a fascist movement from extrem right Jobbik party to variouse neonazi Skinheadgroups and – in the moment in second judge forbidden – hungarian guard, the central Rudolf Hess remembering march is taking place in this very alarming surrounding the first time.
The growing thread is not exclusive from political organised extreme right groups but from hughe parts of the citizens, who are more and more articulating their hate against jewish, roma and homosexuals in the streets.
Sadly budapest is not really known as a plot of antifascist counteractivity, international mobilisation are missing and left structures are as well as civil society engagement against growing neonazism not easy to find.

"Topnazi, antisemit and peacebringer"

Rudolf Hess war joining allready 1920 the NSDAP and was later hitlers very assistant. He is a symbol and martyr for nazis all over europe. Since his suicide at the 17th of august 1987 in the warcriminal prison of Berlin-Spandau, he was not showing sorrow or distance to nationalsocialism, war and holocaust. His nowerdays position in the right is additional strengthened from conspiracy-inspired fascists, who spread the word that it was not suicide but murder of british secret service leading to his dead.
1941 Hess was flying under unclarified motivation to scottland to deal out a peace agreement with the british general Douglas-Hamilton. Contradictionary to ongoing distorting historicians, who try to give honour to Hess as "peacebringer", his attention was not an act of nationalsocialist love for peace, but his aim to prevent germanies two-front-war which he was naming "suicidal for the white race".

„NS-glorification in Wunsiedel…“

One day after the dead of Hess there were just few small demonstrations in germany and austria, but the Rudolf Hess rememberance day was growing every year around the 17th of august as a result of growing importance for the extrem right scene. In the years of 1990 to 1997 marches were held in Wunsiedel (small town in bavaria), after that because of judges and forbiddance in other cities, with between 1500 and 3000 nazis. Because of massive antifascist mobilisations and counteraction of police against the march, the topic of a central Rudolf Hess march was getting less importance.
Starting in 2001 the legislation was made of nazi-lawyer and NPD official Jürgen Rieger and from year to year the number of nazis from germany and all over europe was growing again. Resistance was in the beginning nearly not visible – in the year 2004 the march was getting sadly its best numbers with 5000 nazis taking part. After forbiddance of demonstrating in Wunsiedel and later on for all the alternative places was decided, the topic of "Rudolf Hess remembering march" seemed to be "finished" in germany.

„…to Budapest!“

Responsible for the organisation of this years march in Budapest is the hungarian "NS Front", which was taking part in the "day of honour" with a lot of people at a square in Budapest. The "NS Front Hungaria" can be seen as an umbrella association or networkstructure of the hungarian nazigroups „Blood and Honour Hungaria“, „Pax Hungarica”, "Veres Kard – bloody sword” and the so called “Skins Hungaria”. Beneath a number of hungarian and international old and young fascists going in four digits on the march itself – there has to be estimated with bunches of "rightwing youngsters, drunken skins and hooligans" close to the event.

The estimation of budapest antifascists following it is very likely that – from the fascist side – it is going to be disciplinated. While in german fascist webforums more and more people complain about missing discipline at remembering marches like the "allied forces bomb holocaust" in Dresden, participants drink, smoke, yell and try to beat up someone, which is said to be not fitting to the event, the hungarian scene is ongoing said to be very disciplined, very good organised and with a strong comradeship. Because there is no such parallel event at the 15th of august like it was in february with Dresden, it is very likely that a hughe participation of nazis from germanspeaking region is goint to take place.

„You`ll never walk alone – Support hungarian antifa-actions“

For the 15th of august the group "antiracist mobilisation" is calling for a demonstration against the nazi-march in budapest. it is going to start at 3 pm in the center of the city, at deak square. The demonstration is going to take place along different places of neonazi violence in direction of the fascist march and is going to be back at 6 pm at the square to held a final antifascist picket with music, food and speaches.

Organise driving collectives and affinity groups!
Support the antifascists in Budapest!
They should never walk alone!

Antifacist demonstration:
15.08.2009 – 3 pm (planned)
Deák ter (Deak Square) / Budapest

15.08.2009 – 2 pm
place is going to be announced, soon.

This call was found on and is translated from german original

Posted in balkan region, english language, General.