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[russia] Alexey Gaskarov arrested / Alexej Gaskarow verhaftet

On sunday, the 28th of April 2013, a well-known Russian anti-fascist,
Alexey Gaskarov, was arrested in Moscow. He is a member of the
Coordination Council of Russian opposition.

find more information at:

Am Sonntag, den 28. April 2013 wurde der bekannte russische Antifaschist Alexej Gaskarow in Moskau verhaftet. Er ist Mitglied des Koordinationsrates der russischen Opposition. Der Ermittlungsausschuss der Russischen Föderation beschuldigt ihn der Teilnahme an „Massenunruhen“ und der Gewalt gegen Staatsbeamte am 6. Mai 2012 auf dem Moskauer Bolotnaja-Platz, als die russische Spezialeinheit OMON eine friedliche Demonstration brutal auflöste.

mehr Informationen bei:

Russian, Swedish and Polish version below for distributing and translating the information…



Posted in deutschsprachig, english language, ex-soviet region.

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[philippines] Statement Black & Green Forum



Eco-Camp is an activity organized by Mobile Anarchist School with the help
by Local Autonomous Network (LAN) both active in the Philippines. Last
April 2012 was the first camping held in Tanay Rizal, Philippines. It was
attended by various collectives and individuals totaling around 40 people
who participated the various activities and discussions in the camp. The
objective of the eco-camp was to discuss the different issues confronting
our current society and to find solidarity actions that can help expose
and popularize our issues.

After series of activities in 2012, the LAN decided to expand its
activities on ecological issues due to concrete manifestation of the
crisis impacting the archipelago.

The second eco-camp gathering was organized by LAN and the Mobile
Anarchist School in March 2013 to heighten our education campaign and to
strengthen the relationship with other affinity groups and build an
international network better able to work towards intensifying our impact
by making solidarity actions globally.

We invited anarchist from Indonesia, Germany, Greece, Japan, and U.S.A. to
join us in the Philippines for six-day activities to share our
experiences, ideas, and discuss the possibility of organizing future
actions on these important issues detailed here. Continued…

Posted in beyond europe, english language.

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Für die soziale Revolte! – Solidarität mit den selbstorganisierten Kämpfen in Griechenland und weltweit! Für eine herrschaftsfreie Perpektive!




Posted in balkan region, deutschsprachig, General.

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International Week of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman

Posted in balkan region, english language, General.

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Unterwegs in Sachen Solidarität – Infotour zur Lage der anarchistischen Bewegung in Weissrussland


Am 15. Februar startete mit einer Veranstaltung im Londoner Freedom Bookshop eine mehrmonatige Infotour eines Aktivisten des Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) Belarus. In den kommenden Wochen werden mehrere Städte in Großbritannien bereist, bevor die Tour weiter auf die iberische Halbinsel, danach nach Frankreich und Belgien und zum Abschluss in die Schweiz und quer durch Deutschland führt. Organisiert wird die Rundreise dieses Mal von der Internationalen der Anarchistischen Föderationen (IFA), lokalen ABC- und anderen anarchistischen Gruppen.

Schon 2011 reisten Aktivist*innen durch Europa, um über die Situation in Weissrussland und die Repression gegenüber der anarchistischen Bewegung zu informieren. In den vergangenen zwei Jahren hat sich die Situation jedoch merklich verschlechtert. Stand die letzte Rundreise noch ganz im Zeichen der Proteste im Zuge der letztjährigen Präsidentschaftswahlen, so wird jetzt wohl ein Land beschrieben, das in weiten Teilen lethargisch und resigniert die absolute Macht des Lukaschenko-Regimes hin nimmt.



Posted in deutschsprachig, ex-soviet region.

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[zagreb] Ninth Anarchist Bookfair

The Ninth Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb will take place on April 5th to April 7th, 2013.

Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb (ASK – Anarhisticki sajam knjiga) is annual anarchist event that aims to become a long-term, developing project. First eight bookfairs went well, and we hope to bring in more and more people every year as participants, publishers, groups, projects – whoever is interested in what the bookfair has to offer.

For discussion part everything is open, as every year, so all suggestions, ideas, etc are welcome, as well as texts that you find interesting for further debate.

ASK takes place in Zagreb every spring, as a local resource for anarchist and libertarian books and other publications. We also aim to open discussion on subjects that are important for the anarchist movement, or for our local community.

The idea for such a bookfair is not new, but is based on the positive experience of other Anarchist Bookfairs. In many different situations, these bookfairs have proven to be important events and meeting places on both local and international levels.
This is why we need your help – come and support this event with solidarity and participation!

If you can’t come to our bookfair, you can consider sending some free publications, posters and other material. Also, you can consider sending books and other publications for sale, we will organise stall for all of you that can’t come, but would like to present your work at the bookfair. Contact us at about details, address to send stuff to, etc.

Some part of the program:

  • Presentation of anarchist publishing initiative Burevesnik
  • Active Distribution – around 25 years
  • Football and Anarchism
  • The Anarchist Library
  • We don’t discriminate, they’re all done! Mass revolts in Slovenia
  • Presentation of Book Confection USIUSK
  • Surveillance technics and technologies… and counter-measures
  • Anarchist movement situation in Belarus
  • What is going on in Italy (and elsewhere)?
  • Performance: “LA MÁSCARA”

Posted in balkan region, english language.

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[vienna] Anarchist Black Cross Benefit Festival

25.04. - 28.04. Anarchist Black Cross Benefit Festival

This year for the first time the ABC festival will take place in Vienna.
The full program is still not fixed, but you can expect a great lineup,
vegan food, Workshops, distro, karaoke,...and discussions around the
topics "prison system(s)" and "anti-psychiatry".
Also the ABC Prague will talk about the current Situation and Repression
in the Czech Republic.

more info:


Posted in balkan region, english language.

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Death of Free Speech


On the 15/3/13 the Sofia riot police entered Sofia Central Prison, they were reacting to an alert that the Director – Peter Krestev sent out due to an unprecedented amount of written and signed complaints against the prison’s conditions and indeed the Director himself, with many prisoners calling for him to be dismissed by parliament. After writing a list of wanted changes Yanko Vatashki was immediately sent to isolation after his cell was ransacked. Yanko’s only guilt was to complain. Proving that free speech is dead in Bulgaria! Continued…

Posted in balkan region, english language.

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16.02. – Großdemonstration in Wien


Mit dem Marsch von Traiskirchen begannen die Flüchtlinge selbst für ihre Rechte zu kämpfen. Sie haben sich nicht einschüchtern lassen, weder von Medienhetze, Drohungen des Innenministeriums, noch von der Kälte. Sie sind vor Krieg, Umweltzerstörung und Armut geflohen. Continued…

Posted in balkan region, deutschsprachig.

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[serbia] *Racist protests in Vracevic – How to react*

*Racist protests in Vracevic – How to react*

(invitation to a meeting in belgrade)

In reaction to the situation around the overcrowded asylum centre in Bogovada, local officials decided to introduce a new policy of accommodating asylum seekers in private houses. But when around 80 migrants were accommodated in a private house in Vračevič, citizens of this town started a violent, racist protest against migrants being accommodated in their village. They fear that the presence of migrants would threaten their security and, while claiming not to be against people of colour in general/ xenophobic, are using a very racist argumentation. How can we react to this racist mobilization?
There are some ideas like documenting what was happening, writing an article that opposes the mainstream media’s argumentation, or intervening directly.

Here are some mainstream media’s articles about what has happened

more background information about bogovada detention centre:


There seems to be a new anti-migrant mobilisation starting right now in Serbia. This would be a third such mobilisation in the space of the last year and a half. This time, it is in the municipality of Lajkovac, close to Bogovađa, where the second Open Reception Center for Asylum Seekers is located. The center, opened in June 2011, has been overcrowded for over half a year. The asylum seekers that could not be accommodated in the center have had to sleep outside, in very difficult conditions. To “resolve” the situation, the center out-sourced the provision of accommodation of asylum seekers to an individual in the nearby villages, which accepted asylum seekers in an empty house he owned, in exchange for some finances from the authorities.

It now seems – on the basis of the two articles that appeared in the (main-stream!) press on the 4th and the 5th of February, of which the links and the (partial) translation is below – that the residents of one of these villages are protesting against the presence of asylum seekers in their municipality, claiming the presence of asylum seekers is “compromising their safety”



Translation of the first part of the article:

As was announced on the radio station of Valjevo, the city council of Lajkovac will this Tuesday discuss the problem of asylum seeker in the nearby village of Vračević, whose residents protested today against the presence of around 80 foreigner asylum seekers in their village.

GEM, the television chain of Lazarevac, reported last night that the residents of Vračević think that the arrival of asylum seekers to their village “compromises the security” of the village and that because of that, as they say, they have to accompany their children on their way to and from school.

The asylum seekers came to Vračević after the decision of the local Red Cross and the Center for Asylum Seekers in Bogovađa to resolve the problem of the over-crowdedness in the center through paying the residents of certain nearby villages for accommodating asylum seekers, 50euros per month per person.
“It is time for somebody (in Serbia) to stop and think,” said the mayor of Lajkovac Živorad Bojičić.

He pointed out that the inhabitants of Vračević “do not hate the people of color”, but are demanding that the problem of asylum seekers “is solved permanently and the right way.”

The assembley of villagers gave the local authorities time to solve the problem by the 8th of February – if they do not, they will demand the solutions from Belgrade, from the Serbian government.



Translation of the first part of the article:

The owner of the house in the village of Vračević close to Lajkovac – the house in which 82 asylum seekers, for whom there was no space in the Reception Center in Bogovađa, are staying – said today that the neighbours had nothing against the stay of asylum seekers in the village, but that some people threw stones at the house, in which the foreigners are staying.

Earlier today, the city council of Lajkovac supported the protest of the residents of Vračević and demanded that the government solves the problem of the accommodation of the asylum seekers by this Friday.

In his statement for the Beta newsagency, Dragić Stojković – who was renting out his house to accommodate asylum seeker – said that his neighbours in Vračević did not make any problems, but that some individuals threw stones at the house in which asylum seekers stayed and that the police had to intervene.

“On the 24th of January, I signed an agreement with the responsible persons, for renting out a shouse in Vračević for 50 euros per ayslum seeker per month. I invested around 4000euros in order to additionally adapt the housing,” Stojković said this evening to the Beta newsagency.

Posted in balkan region, english language.

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