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refugee protest plans for 2014

As anarchist, i am not trusting in changes through elections, but respect and support the decisions of the refugees to use this event for their demands.



Posted in english language, General.

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Croatia: Nazis attacked the Infoshop Iskra in the city of Zadar – Third attack so far

In the night between Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th of November 2013, Nazis sabotaged the Infoshop Iskra (“Spark”) in Zadar. Oppressors smashed the glass windows and mottled the walls with fascist graffiti (“Vukovar”, “Škabrnja”) as well as Ustaša symbols, same as swastikas.

This attack is not a big surprise considering it is the third sabotage on this space in the last two years, and that actually few hours separate us from the anniversary of the fall of Vukovar, when the mind of Croatian nationalists/fascists is at the peak of aggressive irrationality. The first two attacks occurred in August and November 2011, the third one this night, and we hope that a fourth will never happen!

Infoshop Iskra is an initiative for a reading room and library of anarchist and libertarian literature, located in the book club “Knjigozemska” at the address R.K. Jeretova 5 in Zadar. A “Take or Leave” corner and a bicycles repair workshop have also found their place in the same space. The collective itself actively agitates and acts in the field of radical social change built on libertarian grounds.

Source: ReciKLAONICA squat

Posted in balkan region, english language.

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ZAF 2013 – antifascist festival in zrenjanin

Posted in balkan region, english language.

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Sammelabschiebung nach Serbien am Dienstag, den 24.9.2013!


Wieder einmal bricht sich der institutionelle Rassismus in Deutschland Bahn! Am Dienstag werden zum vierten Mal im Jahr 2013 eine große Anzahl von Menschen vom Düsseldorfer Flughafen aus abgeschoben. Bei einem Großteil der Betroffenen handelt es sich um Roma, die vor systematischer Diskriminierung und Armut aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien geflohen sind.

Wir werden das nicht hinnehmen, auch dieses Mal wird es wieder lautstarke Proteste gegen die unmenschliche Abschiebepraxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland geben!

Wann? und Wo?

– 8:00 Uhr am „Gate F“, Düsseldorfer Flughafen. Hier zeigen wir direkt Solidarität mit den Betroffenen!

– 10:00 Uhr in der Halle, Terminal B, Düsseldorfer Flughafen

Kommt zahlreich, bringt eure FreundInnen und GenossInnen mit!

Posted in balkan region, deutschsprachig.

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[philippines] ANARKIYA FIESTA 2013

source: (

Anarchist organisers made it again; the ANARKIYA FIESTA held in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) in Sta. Mesa, Manila on July 22 to 26. it attracted large number of students in the campus and aroused curiosity.



Posted in beyond europe, english language.

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34-year old Antifascist Pavlos Fyssas murdered by Golden Dawn member in Athens

constant updates about situation after the murder: (

the antifascist Hip-Hop singer Killah p / Pavlos Fyssas

On 17.09.13 in Keratsini neighborhood in Athens Greece,a 34-year old hip-hopper,antifascist Pavlos Fyssas was murdered by a member of Golden Dawn. Fyssas and a group of 5-6 men and women were chased through the streets of Athens by a about 30 Neo-Nazis dressed in black t-shirts. The rapper and antifascist Fyssas was allegedly stabbed three times in the chest and died after a few hours in the hospital. The police arrested a 45-year old Golden Dawn member who was in possession of the knife that killed Fyssas, and he has confessed to the murder.
In the wake of this fascist murder protests are called for all over Greece. Offices of Golden Dawn are reportedly under attack all over the country and clashes between police and antifascists protestors occurring outside the Neo-Nazi offices in Crete.



Posted in balkan region, english language.

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19.09. Aktion in Berlin: Solidarität mit Opfern rechter Gewalt in der Ukraine

Nach den jüngsten Angriffen auf linke Aktivisten der studentischen
Gewerkschaft “Pryama Diya” (“Direkte Aktion”) in der Ukraine ruft
“PRAVO. Berlin Group for Human Rights in Ukraine” zur Solidarität mit
Opfern rechter Gewalt in der Ukraine auf. Am 19.09. finden in
verschiedenen europäischen Städten, darunter Budapest, München und
Warschau, Solidaritätsaktionen statt, mit denen Menschen ihre
Unterstützung für die Opfer rechter Gewalt in der Ukraine zeigen
wollen. PRAVO ruft ebenso zur Solidarität auf und schließt sich mit
einer Foto-Aktion in Berlin an. Diese findet am 19.09., 17:30-18:00
vor dem Brandenburger Tor statt.

Wir bringen Poster und Fotoapparat mit – von Ihnen bräuchten wir nur
drei Minuten um ein Bild mit Ihnen zu machen. Wenn Sie am 19.09. keine
Zeit haben, aber dennoch Ihre Unterstützung zeigen möchten: drucken
Sie bitte ein Blatt mit unterstützenden Worten aus (zum Beispiel:
“Stop far right violence against student activist in Ukraine!”),
machen Sie ein Foto davon und schicken Sie es uns bitte zu:

Hier findet Ihr die ersten Fotos, die zur Unterstützung bereits gemacht wurden:

Seit dem die rechtspopulistische Partei “Swoboda” im Oktober 2012 ins
ukrainische Parlament eingezogen ist, fühlen sich die rechtsextremen
Gruppen in der Ukraine gesellschaftlich akzeptiert und weniger
angreifbar. Auch Fälle rechter Gewalt häufen sich. Allein im
vergangenen Monat fanden zwei Angriffe auf linke Aktivisten in Kiew
statt. So wurde am 22.08.2013 bspw. Bohdan Biletsky angegriffen, ein
Aktivist der Gewerkschaft ,,Pryama Diya”. Am 11. September wurde Pawlo
Myronow, ein weiteres Mitglied der unabhängigen Studentengewerkschaft
und Aktivist der Zivilbewegung ,,Tschesno” (,,Fair”), ebenso in Kiew
angegriffen. Beide wurden mit schweren Kopfverletzungen ins
Krankenhaus gebracht. Einige dieser und anderen Übergriffe wurden nach
Angaben von ,,Pryama Diya” von der rechtsradikalen Gruppe ,,C14″
organisiert (1). Auch öffentliche Veranstaltungen von linken
Organisationen werden von rechtsradikalen Gruppen massiv gestört. So
wurde zum Beispiel auf dem vor kurzem veranstalteten Buchforum in Lwiw
am 12.09.2013 eine Buchvorstellung über Texte von Leo Trotsky des
Zentrums für Visuelle Kultur durch 20 Hooligans durch neonazistische
Parolen gestört. Der Ladenbesitzer sagte dem Zentrum für visuelle
Kultur für weitere Präsentationen dieses Buches ab. Die Polizei, die
vor Ort war, hat es abgelehnt die Hooligans zu beruhigen (2).

Kontakt und weitere Informationen: Oleksandra Bienert, kontakt at


(1) Aktueller Bericht der Gewerkstatt ,,Pryama Diya”:

(2) Pressemitteilung des Zentrums für Visuelle Kultur über die
Präsentation am 12.09.2013 auf dem Buchforum in Lwiw:

Posted in deutschsprachig, ex-soviet region.

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Anhänger der rechten Chrysi Avgi ermordet antifaschistischen Hip Hopper

Quelle: (

Der Mord führte zu einem politischen Chaos und zu Krawallen in griechischen Städten

In der Nacht zum Mittwoch ermordete[1] ein fünfundvierzigjähriger Anhänger der Chrysi Avgi in Keratsini den vierunddreißigjährigen Hip Hop Musiker Pavlos Fyssas mit zwei Messerstichen. Fyssas, der unter dem Pseudonym Killah P. oder Killah Past auftrat[2], war als Antifaschist bekannt. Als Hafenarbeiter war er bis zu seiner Entlassung vor zwei Jahren gewerkschaftlich organisiert. Nach dem Mord kam es noch in der Nacht zum Mittwoch zu spontanen Versammlungen antifaschistischer Gruppen sowohl im Krankenhaus von Nikaia, bei Piräus als auch am Ort des Geschehens. Am Mittwoch eskalierte die Situation. Unter diesem Eindruck verblasste sogar die Tatsache, dass sich das Land in einem achtundvierzigstündigen Streik des Öffentlichen Dienstes und eines Dauerstreiks der Sekundarschullehrer befindet.


Posted in balkan region, deutschsprachig.

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solidarity against squat evictions in greece

The Municipality buildings of Ioannina (NW Greece) and Heraclion (Crete) have been occupied at the morning of 5th of september in solidarity to the squats evicted all around Greece. Most recently the squat Antiviosi in Ioannina was evicted,which was started in 2008.
In the morning of Thursday, August 29, the cops invaded and evacuated the occupied Antiviosis.



Posted in balkan region, english language, General.

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flying for freedom of movement and against state control at russian embassy in hamburg

It was not surprising after the recent homophobe and xenophobic changes of laws in russia that now in the context of election campaign in moscow the issue of migration was put in a very simple and racist direction by deciding to seperate and concentrate masses of illegalised people in camps. But even if these tendencies and actions of political officials in russia and their police is not surprising, it is an important topic to put light and publicity on. It is neither just nor acceptable that passports and papers are more valuable than human beings.

Kmii_logo_enOf course it is not a special russian topic as all the european governments and wide parts of society are also not willing to be in solidarity with the people who leave for different reasons their region and deportation prisons exist all over germany and shengen states. But it is not an internal topic of russia to act as if it is reasonable to imprison and mistreat people of color as it seems wide parts of russian society are positive about stronger migration control. It is not reasonable based on violence between corrupt police and traders and also not as “majority” in russia wants discrimination. There had been stories of right wing civilians “helping” police in the last days to control and harassing non-white people. Market places were sabotaged and goods of non-white people destroyed by crowds of openly racist people. The people being imprisoned and facing deportation in moscow are like in german society the ones who are forced to work under worst conditions with little or no working rights or dignity. This has to be pointed out, who has the benefit of these unjust global conditions and not blaming peoples strategies to survive with or without legal papers.

Нелегальных людей не бывает ### kein mensch ist illegal ### no one is illegal

We decided to gather at the russian embassy in hamburg to show our solidarity with the people affected of the racist society and state. A callout was made, which named also the recent police action against vostok forum in murmansk, which was attacked in the beginning of august and the imprisoned of the 6th of may protest including alexej gaskarov. Many reasons to be in front of the russian embassy. Not to demand something of them, as there is no reason to adress state structures but to make it a bit more uncomfortable for them to act like this. And also very important, to send our warm solidarity to the ones affected of the prison system and state violence. But in the beginning of the picket we had the opportunity to participate in some flying practice as people from the kampnagel international summer festival were with us.


While flying, people were chanting slogans like “kein mensch ist illegal”, “free pussy riot” and “alerta antifascista”. It was my first time flying in front of an embassy and i must say it was less boring than usually. Police did not intervene at all, they just stood aside even the full event was not officially registrated.

After some flying and distributing leaflets to the few passing by people, we started to make some public statements about golianovo camp and horrible conditions there. The around 600 imprisoned people, mainly vietnamese but also from caucasus and former asian republics of soviet union have little space in the camp, nearly no shower or possibilities to wash, they have to pay money to the guards to charge phones and relatives are rejected to give them material support. The other  more than 2000 “illegal migrants”, who were officially arrested disappeared, so probably there are more camps existing. The russian government wants to drop the regulation that people from former soviet republics can enter russia without special permission and is strengthening the discrimination of non-white people living in russia by blaming “illegal migrants” for social conflicts.

People participating in the picket were additionally making some personal statements. A friend of alexej gaskarov pointing out how important it is to support the prisoners and people opposing the authoritarian system. Another person, who comes from russia but lives elsewhere now was wishing that society in russia may change in a open and diverse direction instead of putting creative and engaged people in prison.


The mood at the action was great, i met some new interesting people and old friends, who are willing to show up in solidarity against any form of discrimination may it be racist or homophobe and in solidarity with the struggling people in russia.

Greetings to leipzig, where people today act against repression in russia!

Free pussy riot, free alexej gaskarov and all the many prisoners from the 6th of may!

Solidarity with the migrant workers in russia – for freedom of movement for everybody!

Down with the laws against an open society – we will show up again to keep the curtain open!

Act in solidarity at 17th of august for our people from pussy riot who are still imprisoned and who did the right thing to show partriarchy and sexism that a feature without it is desirable and necessary!

Posted in english language, ex-soviet region, General.

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