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greek embassy in serbia attacked and anarchists arrested

A group of five anarchists were arrested in Belgrade at the 3rd of september under suspicion being connected with
Black Elijah (Crni Ilija), which took responsibility for the 24th
August molotov attack on the Greek embassy in Belgrade. One more person is still searched by police.
Free the Belgrade anarchists!


The police decided to arrest six Serbian comrades at the 3rd of september and try to set them
up for throwing Molotov cocktails at the Greek embassy last week. Police wanted to prosecute house searches at some peoples places in the morning and arrested them at the policestation where they were told to come for other reasons (writing protocol against the house searches, because they denied the searches). Most of the people, who are arrested now are active in the anarchosyndicalist organisationa ASI (anarhosyndikalisticka inicijativa) of belgrade. The investigating judge of the District Court in Belgrade, Ivana Ramić,
has ordered Ratibor, Tadej, Ivan Vulovic, Sanja and Ivan Savic to 30
days detention on the basis that, if not detained, the suspects
represented a flight risk and a risk to witnesses. In addition, the
five are suspected of having committed a crime of international
State attorney has asked for them to be charged with the criminal act of international terrorism (3-15 years of prison).

About the arson attack at the greek embassy, mainstream media says that e-mails were send by anonymous anarchists called "Crni Ilija" in which they described that this attack was in solidarity with Theodoros
Iliopoulos, who is for 8 months in prison in greece. The incident on the 25th of August caused minor damage, including a broken window and fire damage to the facade of the building. The groups statement said according to mainstream media that "Belgrade Anarchists" wanted comrade Thodoros
Iliopoulos freed, saying that he had been on hunger strike for 46 days
after being arrested during a national uprising in Greece in December
of last year.

"We will continue these activities until our comrade Iliopoulos is released," the statement said.

Freedom for the arrested comrades!

Down with state repression – solidarity with the struggle of Theodoros
Iliopoulos and other fighting prisoners!

a pdf version of this article

Discussion and updates on this case:

more updates in english:

german article on indymedia:

other press:

Posted in balkan region, english language, General.