[Espiv] Cybrigade announcement, July 7th, 2014 roughly translated by
Contra Info (currently down as well); we can be contacted at
contrainfo@espiv.net _ [GREECE] HANDS OFF ESPIV SERVER https://espiv.net
There is an urgent situation regarding espiv’s infrastructure inside the
Panteion University (in Athens, where espiv server is located). Below is
a first announcement by Cybrigade, espiv’s administrative collective,
about the current shutdown of the server:
Today, Monday, July 7th,
2014, the rector of the Panteion University ordered that the espiv
server be unplugged and put out of service. The pretext was an
extrajudicial notice which was served to the university administration
by the owner of the call-centre company OnLine Sales, by which the boss
asks that a blog post which is allegedly defaming him be deleted and
that the authors of the same post be named.
The specific blog post is as follows: —— “OnLine Sales: Employer
continues to act arbitrarily; we call for a gathering at the Labour
Inspectorate (Athens) On June 6th, 2014 the boss also sacked the
colleague E.T. because she refused to continue to work unpaid and
overtime until she’d achieved the ‘sales target’ of the company. This
requirement, as we have noted many times before, is a daily practice at
this call center. However, in the case of the colleague E.T., the boss
exceeded all limits, and assaulted her verbally and physically after she
was asked to sign a document which stated that she would not make any
financial or other claims to the company, but she expressed legitimate
reservations. */ We remind that on Monday, June 16th, at 10am, the
Labour Inspectorate (located in 10, Agisilaou Street, near Omonia,
Athens) will examine the complaints of fellow workers I.K., E.D. and
E.T.; this is why we invite every trade union, collective, neighbourhood
assembly, and every single colleague to attend the meeting and support
our female co-workers I.K. and E.D. in their struggle for reemployment,
as well as E.T., who experienced this blatantly arbitrary employer
behavior./* More related posts on this topic can be found (in Greek)
here http://espiv.net/proledialers1.html and here
http://espiv.net/proledialers3.html” ——
Cybrigade, which already exists for six whole years, as administrative
crew of the 6-year-old espiv server, informs all concerned that: Espiv
is an internet infrastructure dedicated to the antagonistic movement
which stands against capitalism and hierarchy. On espiv, we do not just
provide digital space for the expression and organization of individuals
and collectives, but we also consider ourselves part of the global
community that fights for digital rights, the inalienable right to
privacy, interception-free communication, and freedom of expression. In
espiv, we oppose in-principle the storage/recording of data identifying
those involved in any communication that our server provides. Cybrigade
has explicitly stated the following on espivblogs.net and espiv.net:
“The content of all pages on this domain (espiv.net) is licensed under
the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Greece
License. The administrative collective defends freedom of speech and
expression, so in no event shall uploaded opinions or texts –which are
solely the views expressed by their respective authors– be censored.
Additional permissions to use this work, beyond those granted by the
license that has been applied, may be listed on espiv.net. Espiv does
not store any data enabling identification of users, in any of its
services. Data of visitors and users, such as IP addresses, are not
registered on the server.” In conclusion, Cybrigade chooses not to keep
and, by extension, not to provide any kind of identification information
(aka snitching) to any entity, and therefore neither to employers or
other type of oppressors. We will let you know of our next